V2 Progress
- General
- Remembers your login information until you logout - 100% complete
- View most of the game without being logged in - 100% complete
- Ajax auto-saving to help reduce clicking and data loss - 100% complete
- Login/Logout - 100% complete
- Report abuse - 100% complete
- Report a bug - 100% complete
- Contact the helpdesk - 100% complete
- Admin, staff and moderator icons - 100% complete
- Join - 90% complete
- Import a V1 account - 85% complete
- Parental controls and privacy settings - 90% complete
- Autocomplete fields for members, horses and items - 80% complete
- Weather system - 80% complete
- More searches and additional search options - 75% complete
- Stable and land management - 30% complete
- Game notifications and email notifications - 15% complete
- More educational and more realistic - 10% complete
- Porting over original game functionality (this is the biggest task of everything!!) - 10% complete
- Newspaper
- Infinite scroll of articles (keeps loading as you scroll down) - 100% complete
- Post a comment - 100% complete
- Edit your comment - 100% complete
- Rate an article - 100% complete
- Any eligible player can create articles (no newspaper managers) - 100% complete
- Layout
- Comic improvements - 100% complete
- Customizable ticker messages - 100% complete
- Friends and players online collapsible sidebar - 100% complete
- Different WYSIWYG editors with drag/drop image uploading for page layouts - 100% complete
- Support for phone and tablet web browsers - 100% complete
- Easier navigation - 98% complete
- More graphics - 10% complete
- Horses
- Mane and tail colors - 100% complete
- Custom horse generator - 100% complete
- Interactive graphs - 25% complete
- Peak system added - 15% complete
- Body, leg and face markings - 5% complete
- Abilities displayed - 5% complete
- Help & Support
- Linked help and faq topics - 98% complete
- Improved faq information - 95% complete
- Improved help information - 85% complete
- Helpdesk contact system - 80% complete
- Game tutorials - 60% complete
- Game walkthrough - 10% complete
- Mail
- Save a draft - 100% complete
- Recent drafts list - 100% complete
- Recently sent list - 100% complete
- Flag messages - 100% complete
- Manage multiple messages at once - 100% complete
- Mark as read or unread - 100% complete
- Folders - 100% complete
- Manage drafts - 60% complete
- Account
- Friends list - 100% complete
- Blocked list - 100% complete
- Account settings - 100% complete
- Customize page layout - 100% complete
- Change password - 100% complete
- Journal
- Create entries - 100% complete
- Rate entries - 100% complete
- Comment on entries - 100% complete
- Edit entries - 100% complete
- Community
- Rating and reputation system - 90% complete
- @mentions and #hashtags - 50% complete
- Calendar of events and special shows - 25% complete
- Moderator enhancements and additional tools - 25% complete
- Roleplaying overhaul and now in it's own section - 25% complete
- New trade system - 25% complete
- Item crafting, auctions and trades - 0% complete
- Forums
- categories now have sub-categories - 100% complete
- sticky posts - 100% complete
- new post/popular post indicators - 50% complete
- thread subscriptions - 0% complete
- Upgrades
- credits or subscription options - 85% complete
- buy specific features with credits - 80% complete
- permanent and yearly upgrades - 80% complete
- sell, trade, and auction credits - 25% complete
What Is It?
Version 2 is the new and improved White Oak Stables that is currently in development. Version 2 combines English, Racing and Western competition
into a single game so you no longer have to login to different registers and use multiple accounts. Version 2, or V2, will
be replacing the current version, or V1, of White Oak Stables when it's done. It will have new features, new graphics and new gameplay.
When Does it Open?
V2 is scheduled to open by January 2015. Currently the plan is to open it first in a Beta testing state.
During this time anyone will be able to join and play Version 2 in it's testing stage. When testing is completed
Version 2 will replace the existing version of White Oak Stables.
Can I Have Multiple Accounts?
You may only have one account on Version 2. All of your accounts on V1 will be
combined into a single account on V2.
Will I Loose My Account Data?
You may choose to import your old account data into your new V2 account. Any data that
can be supported will be moved into V2.
Will I Loose My Upgrades?
V2 uses a new upgrade system meaning that V1 upgrades will no longer be supported in the
same way as they were before. For each account with an upgrade that you import into your new
V2 account you will recieve the comparable V2 upgrade for that upgrade. V2 upgrades are available
by yearly subscription or one time payments for specific features or credits.
Will I Get A New Account Number?
Yes. Account numbers will be first come first serve when V2 officially opens. Account
numbers will reset and start at #2.

For Horse Lovers

I have a B.S. in computer science with a focus on computer games and graphics and I teach horseback riding lessons at a local barn on the weekends. I love programming almost as much as I love animals and working with kids.

- Equine Rescue League, Virginia, USA
- United States Equine Rescue, USA
- ReRun Thoroughbred Rescue, USA
- Days End Farm, Maryland, USA
- Gentle Giant Draft Rescue, Maryland, USA
- Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue, Florida, USA
- Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Utah, USA
- Eagle Hill Equine Rescue, Virginia, USA
- Lost and Found Horse Rescue, Maryland, USA
- True Innocents Equine Rescue, California, USA
- Colorado Horse Rescue, Colorado, USA
- Indiana Horse Rescue, Indiana, USA
- HORSE Rescue and Sanctuary, New York, USA
- Petfinder, Worldwide
- National Wild Horse and Burro Program, USA
- Ever After Mustang Rescue, Maine, USA
- Front Range Equine Rescue, Colorado, USA
- Fresh Start Horse Rescue, Colorado, USA
- Singing River Equine Rescue, Alabama, USA
- Long Meadow Rescue Ranch, Missouri, USA
- Throw Away Ponies, Texas, USA

Your support could save horses like Waylon from Singing River Equine Rescue
General Rules
The security of your account is your responsibility.
- LOSS OF DATA: whiteoakstables.net is not responsible for any loss of game data, account data or information uploaded
and/or posted on an account as a result of game errors, malfunctions, programming errors, or server problems or as a
result of the disclosure of your account and or login information.
- CONDUCT: You agree that you will not discriminate against any other person or be unkind, use foul language, harass,
or threaten someone else, cheat or otherwise behave in an manner that is offensive to others. You further agree to comply with the
Rules and Terms and Condition set forth below.
- VIOLATION OF RULES: whiteoakstables.net may determine in its sole discretion whether your conduct is
in violation of the Rules of this Website.
whiteoakstables.net reserves the right to take what ever action it deems appropriate with respect to conduct it deems is in violation
of these Rules, including but not limited to cancelling your account(s), denying you access to your account(s) for a period of time, or
denying you access to a particular part of the game.
If your account(s) is (are) cancelled as result of your violating these Rules, whiteoakstables.net shall not be
obligated to refund any amounts or pre-paid amounts remaining in your account or accounts.
- KICKED ACCOUNTS: To discourage shared accounts whiteoakstables.net will deny you access to your account(s) for a number of days
if you've recently logged into an account that's been found in violation with these Rules or Terms of service.
To prevent this from happening you should not share accounts, give out your account login information, or login to an account
that does not belong to you.
Copyright Rules
- Linking, posting or uploading copyrighted material to the whiteoakstables.net Website without permission from the copyright holder may be illegal and is forbidden. Please ask permission from the copyright owner before posting or uploading any copyrighted material on whiteoakstables.net. If you would like to report a copyright violation please notify jade@whiteoakstables.net and it will be removed.
- whiteoakstables.net may in sole discretion cooperate with law enforcement and legal entities in disclosing account information for persons who have or are accused of violating copyright laws.
Widgets, Applets, Pictures and Hyperlink Rules
- You agree not to upload pictures, graphics or images, music, or text that are obscene, vulgar, sexual, that contain inappropriate language, or that reference or depict drugs, violence, smoking or alcohol.
- Excessive posting (more than 3 times) of the same material is not allowed. This is considered flooding and is annoying so please be respectful of other persons.
- Chat boxes, shout boxes, and any other form of instant messaging or posting widgets are not allowed.
- Advertising of any kind without written permission from whiteoakstables.net is forbidden.
Automated Scripts and Unauthorized Access Rules
- You agree not to use automated scripts, excessively refresh the page, or consume server resources with or without malicious intent.
- Logging into an account that doesn't belong to you, even with the permission of the account owner, may be considered hacking or unauthorized access.
- You may not login to admin areas, including but not limited to the chat room and game admin panel, without written authorization from whiteoakstables.net.
- You may not login to the newspaper management system without authorization from whiteoakstables.net or the authorized game newspaper manager.
Shared Account Rules
- Shared accounts are strongly discouraged however they are allowed.
- If ownership disputes are made over an account whiteoakstables.net has final say on whom will be awarded ownership of the account.
Competition Rules
- You may not make a show, race or any other contest or competition and exclude certain members from entering. The only exception to this is sanctioned clubs on WOS where only members of that WOS club may enter.
- You may not ask another member to scratch a horse from a show, race or competition.
- You may not name your show, race or competition in a way that would discourage other members from entering. You may not ask another member to enter horses out of event. All shows must be open to all members who have a horse in that particular grade and event. Example show names that you may not use include, but are not limited to, Private Show, My Show Only or DO NOT ENTER.
- You may not name your show, race or competition in a way that would discourage other members from entering a horse in their best event/distance or abilities.
Hacking and Cheating Rules
- Hacking member accounts, game databases, servers, or other game software and hardware is illegal and forbidden.
- Trying to bypass game security or intended functionality is considered cheating and is not allowed.
- Cheating or hacking may result in your account be kicked or banned from the game even if you've paid to use the website.
Message,Text, CSS & HTML Rules
- HTML or text must be appropriate for people of all ages, may not contain harmful devices, redirects, or viruses that may affect the operation of or damage whiteoakstables.net servers, software and applications.
- Blacklisting - speaking negatively about other member's pets, items, pictures or services - is forbidden.
- Fighting, bullying, threats, condoning violence, drugs or alcohol, dating, and cybering are not allowed.
- Asking other members for personal information is not allowed. This includes address, phone number, full name, school, email, local landmarks, or photos.
- Adult conversations, mild cussing and sensitive topics are only permitted in the adult/mature forum to which access is restricted by way of payment authorization.
Terms & Conditions
whiteoakstables.net may change these Terms and Condition at time. Any changes are effective immediately. Using the site after any such amendment signifies your acceptance and agreement to any or all modifications to these terms and the Rules above.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless whiteoakstables.net, its affiliates, directors, officers, agents, lawyers, and employees (collectively "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all demands, obligations, judgements, suits, losses, damages, liabilities, claims, fees, costs and expenses of any kind (collectively "Losses") (including reasonable attorneys' fees whether or not a formal proceeding is filed) suffered or incurred by or threatened or alleged against any of the Indemnified Parties directly or indirectly relating to, in connection with, arising out of or resulting from your use of the service or your failure to comply with the Rules and Terms and Conditions established herein. The indemnity in this Section shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.
These Terms and Conditions contain the contract between you and whiteoakstables.net, a game by design1online.com, LLC, and supersede any previous agreements or discussions whether written or oral with the parties related to the subject matter shown here. Modifications to this contract can only be made with written consent from whiteoakstables.net. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid or inoperative, then so far as is reasonable and possible, consistent with the intent of this Agreement, the remainder of such provision and this Agreement shall be deemed valid and operative, and effect shall be given to the intent manifested by the portion held invalid or inoperative.
This Agreement and all matters or issues will be governed by the state of Virginia. You agree any legal actions made as a result of these terms will be filed in the state or federal courts of Fauquier County in the state of Virginia and you approve and yield to the jurisdiction of such courts for proceedings on any such actions.
These Terms and Conditions and the Rules are effective until terminated by either party. You may terminate this agreement by destroying all materials, downloads, programs, text, photos or documents acquired from this Website. The rights given to you under these terms and conditions will end immediately without prior notice from whiteoakstables.net if you fail to comply with any part of the terms or break the Rules. Following such termination you must destroy all materials, downloads, programs, text, photos or documents obtained on or through whiteoakstables.net.
II. Refunds
All goods and services offered by whiteoakstables.net are provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind and any payments received for goods and services are non-refundable. Damaged or broken goods may be replaced in the sole discretion of whiteoakstables.net.
III. Third Party Sites
whiteoakstables.net is not responsible for any products, materials, or services obtained by You from others through links to sites posted on this Website or for any errors, information, opinions, views, products, text, or materials found on such sites, or for any viruses, malware, or spyware that may be acquired from such sites.
Any information, including credit card information, personal identifying information or contact information, You provide to other Websites that may accessed via links on this Website is provided at your sole risk.
whiteoakstables.net is not responsible for any inappropriate or offensive materials found through third party sites (whether sanctioned, advertised or promoted on whiteoakstables.net) so You hereby irrevocably relinquish all claims in relation to these sites. whiteoakstables.net cannot be liable for any interactions, viruses, opinions, services, or materials found on third party sites.
IV. Restrictions On Site Materials
You acknowledge that whiteoakstables.net is the copyright holder of all site materials. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, create derived materials, print, transmit, sell, generate, assemble, or claim works as your own.You are granted a limited license to use information on this Website solely for personal and non-commercial uses.
You agree that you will not use site materials for any other purpose without the express written consent of whiteoakstables.net. Site materials may not be uploaded to, displayed on, or linked on third party sites without written permission of whiteoakstables.net. Misuse and/or unauthorized use of any or all site material can lead to prosecution under applicable state and federal laws.
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By mailing, faxing, emailing, uploading, or in any other way transmitting original works to whiteoakstables.net, You grant whiteoakstables.net an unlimited royalty-free world-wide licensee to use, print, adapt, modify, create derived materials from, and distribute the original and derivative works. By submitting materials you acknowledge moral-rights and all other recognized rights worldwide.
VI. Posting Or Posted Site Content
whiteoakstables.net is not liable for any posts, pictures (and links to pictures), html code, applets, widgets, or any other materials upload to this Website by others. You remain solely responsible for any content you may post, upload, or display. whiteoakstables.net in its sole discretion may modify or delete any content posted by You or others that whiteoakstables.net determines violates these Terms and Conditions, or the Rules, at any time and to disclose account information to legal entities and law authorities if requested in relation to copyright, trademark or legal infringements.
VII. Contact Information
This site is run and owned by design1online.com, LLC.
White Oak StablesPO Box 272
Bealeton, VA
United State of America
Game Administrator: jade@whiteoakstables.net
Company Email: jade@design1online.com
Fax: 1.540.439.9254
VIII. Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
This site and all materials are provide "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE," meaning whiteoakstables.net cannot guarantee that Your use of this Website will be uninterrupted or error free due to server or programming complications, that errors will be corrected, or that the server is free of virus or other harmful devices.
whiteoakstables.net does not warrant the use of materials or anything resulting from the use of materials in relation to their function, precision, accuracy, value, or validity on this site. You assume all risk arising from Your use of such materials in respect to their functions, precision, accuracy, value, or validity. You are further responsible for all costs that may arise from the use of this Website, including and not limited to repairs, corrections, and modifications that may occur to your software, hardware or data as a result of using whiteoakstables.net.
whiteoakstables.net and all associated (including third parties) will not be liable for damages, costs, or expenses of any kind that are a result of the use of the whiteoakstables.net or any materials found on this site. In no occasion will whiteoakstables.net have any liability to you in any claims, damages, expenses, losses, or legal actions greater then the amount paid by you for accessing this site within the year the claim is brought forth.
whiteoakstables.net is not responsible for any person that voluntarily discloses his or her name, email address, or other personal information on message boards, game messages, chat rooms, account pages, or any other part of the site. whiteoakstables.net is not responsible for any kind of interaction between persons on the game that could potentially or does lead to unlawful or inappropriate activities. All persons are advised to post, interact, give out personal information and play this game at their own risk. Parents and/or guardians of minors are encouraged to talk with younger persons about the dangers of giving out personal information.
None of the information collected actively from whiteoakstables.net (name, email, age, country, ip address) will be disclosed to third parties and remains with the company through sale or merger, with exceptions as the law and these Terms and Conditions pertain, without a member's consent or parent/guardian's consent if the person is 13 years of age or under in compliance with the COPPA Act. Personal information collected on whiteoakstables.net is used for re-sending account password information and to uniquely identify persons who visit this site.
whiteoakstables.net uses third party advertisements. In order to better display advertisements that may be of interest to you the third party collects information passively each time you visit this Website and other sites (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number). To find out more please feel free to read this FAQ or opt out and this information will not be collected by this third party.
Parents for more information on how to talk to your children about internet safety please visit this website published by the FBI. If at any time you would like to review the personal information collected about your child, have this information removed, or stop further collection of information please contact us.

Unpaid Intern
Job Description: Responsible game moderation, creates special shows and races, helps generate contests, games, and other member interest features or functionality. Encourages and helps new members learn how to play. May be tasked with creating simple game modifications (programmatic and design), help documents, rules or game content.
Hours: Varies
Location: Telecommute
Requirements: Must be 16 or older. Basic HTML knowledge is a plus. Must be familiar will all game rules and have had an upgraded account at some point in time.
Entry Level PHP/MySQL Programmer
Job Description: Assigned to modify, update and create features for design1online.com games. Duties include:
- Database Management - creating, modifying, optimizing MySQL Databases
- PHP - writing functions and OOP. Fetching and displaying mysql query calls
- MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data
- XHTML & CSS - W3C standards, validation, browser compatibility and form basics
Hours: Availble on a per-script basis
Location: Telecommute
Payment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hour
Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1-2 years PHP and MySQL experience
Entry Level Flash AS3 Programmer
Job Description: MMO programming for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:
- Maps, Items, Characters - creation, generation, actionscript 3 programming
- SmartFoxServer API - integration with PHP and XML
- MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data.
- QA & Testing - quality assurance, game play testing, AI testing, bug reporting
Hours: Varies
Location: Telecommute
Payment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hour
Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1+ year actionscript experience
Freelance Animator
Job Description: Animation modification and generation for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:
- Horses, Humans, Natural Movement - walk, run, eat and other natural movements
- Colorization - segmented, dynamic colorization
- Storyboards - intros and other movie sequences
Hours: Varies
Location: Telecommute
Payment: Via Paypal or check at $8 per frame
Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years animation experience, 1+ years experience with animation software, examples of work
Freelance Graphic Artist
Job Description: Cartoon style with a realistic appearence to match current graphic styles. Drawings include horses, items, country themes and game layout images. Knowledge of:
- Photoshop - cropping, coloring, line art, transparent backgrounds
- File Optimization - reducing file size and compression for web
- Branding & Print Media- logos, t-shirt designs, hats and journal designs
Hours: Varies
Location: Telecommute
Payment: Via Paypal or check at $20 per image
Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years graphic software experience, examples of work
Interested in any of these positions?
If you have any trouble with your upgrade please email me so I can get it sorted out. If you put in a dispute in PayPal I can't fix the upgrade right away, I have to wait for the dispute to end (ie give you a refund) before you can get your money back and try to upgrade again.
- Email is still hosed, I'm about to give up on it. If you need me you can use my gmail account jadendreamer13@gmail.com
- New server seems to be working much better. I added RAM and CPU and I haven't seen any issues with shows running since.
- Crickett is helping out with making sure shows run and special pics get posted. She is also going to be reviewing and picking our new newspaper managers. If you're interested in applying for newspaper manager you need to fill out an application. Applications are due on April 30th
- We have be having an issue with upgrades going through because the server we use for payments has been going down a lot. I'm testing new server software on it and it's been pretty unstable. If you want to upgrade and it doesn't go through or you get an error message please email me at jadendreamer13@gmail.com and I can send you a PayPal invoice.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been really busy at work and trying to find a new job again. I'm hoping things will settle down soon. In the meantime, I've fixed some shows and races that were stuck on December 31st and I have a new feature coming for the racing register that will allow you to reset your brand. I should have that up sometime today.

"I have been really committed to White Oak Stables and like it so much because of the fact that it allows me to feel a sense of owning a real horse. I don't own my own horse, so it's been really hard dealing with that. However, on White Oak Stables, I can have as many horses as I wish, and they can be the best. There are no limits on money; I can always earn more. My horses on White Oak Stables are excellent and they are very real to me- the closest that I have."
"Because I work, live, train, and show at a stable, as well as owning and training many horses, I have fun going on WOS to show and train my horses just like I do every day, except it's much easier on line!"

"It is very realistic which is great as that's the whole point of the game. The treats, tack and riding settings are great as people have to work things out and work hard to try and find events and the settings of how to ride then they have to get the best take and treats so the horse does well."
"it is a very well organized and challenging game yet enjoyable at the same time. There is a variety of breeds and options for your stable such as breeding, racing and rescue stables. This was the feature that originally attracted me to the game, besides my love of horses."
"On White Oak Stables, you can't just leave for a month and expect to have all your horses waiting there for you. In real life, just as it is in the game, the horses are rescued if you do not feed them or otherwise care for them. Also, if you don't train them, they can never become better."
"It's incredibly realistic. It doesn't allow the strange crossbreeds most sites seem to flourish with. True horse colors and markings are shown, unlike certain sites where there's are custom colors or people get to simply put in the color of the horse. Its a quality safe site that you can learn about horses on."

"I have learned a lot about breeding and bloodlines here, especially! It's also a good way to teach responsibility, and prepare for owning a real horse someday."
"I like how WOS is mostly accurate with breeds, colors, etc. Shows and contests are fun to enter and I look for something new to do every day, and I always find something! I name all my horses after my own and I train them in similar fields."
"White Oak Stables helps me a lot because I know that I can come home and log on to talk to all of my friends here, who I can be myself with and no one cares what I look like. I have made so many friends in the over a year that I've been playing on WOS, and I continue to make them all the time."
"People help you when you don't know or understand something and they also make shows for you or give you Christmas and birthday presents which make you feel special."
"I found the other players very helpful and kind and I picked up game concepts quickly, which isn't always the case with more complicated games. I immediately enjoyed the atmosphere of the game and was instantly addicted. Even though it takes a lot of hard work and undying dedication, you don't have to spend countless hours online everyday, so White Oak Stables is great for those of us with very busy lifestyles too."
"Another thing that I love about this game is that you must work with other players to get to the top. For example, you must buy quality stock, breed with other lines, and use peoples race tracks to create an successful stable. As well as this, the unpleasant players in the game are quickly weeded out of the game because they lack the responsibility of taking care of their horses. I also love the fact that there is a newspaper with a comments section so the users of WOS can learn more about other stables horses and make friends with other players."
"Its member friendly, people are willing to help one another make choices and help out. Unlike other sim sites I've been on, people are respectable towards others they don't agree with."
"I like it because I have met so many nice people from all over the
world. The first time I went into the chat and was desperate for help because another member had steered me in the total wrong direction, there were many there who jumped right in to help me. They walked me through the process of getting my main horse trained so I could get myself back on my feet. It is these members who have made White Oak Stable what it is for me today. I like it that I have made many friends of all different ages. From ten years my junior to ten plus years my senior, White Oak Stable is an excellent place for people from all walks of life to gather and discuss our common ground, a love of all horses."
"The best thing I think about WOS is the newspaper. It keeps players up to date right off to what's happening, and we can actually see other peoples opinions. Its a complex, and yet easy site for novice and top players to enjoy. I love the work that's been done on the site. Thank you for just the opportunity to be involved in the game!"

(Photo courtesy of Rhett Savoie)
Jane has coached at three Olympic Games. In 1996, Jane coached the Canadian 3-Day Event Team at the Olympics in Atlanta.
Jane coached several Three Day Event Riders from the United States, Canada and Belgium in preparation for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. While in Sydney, she also coached United States Dressage Team member, Susan Blinks. With Jane's guidance, Sue and her horse, Flim Flam, were able to help secure the team Bronze medal. This victory was particularly meaningful because Jane has helped Sue with Flim since he was three years old.
In 2004, Jane once again accompanied the Canadian Three Day Event team to the Olympics. This time the competition was in Athens, Greece. Under her watchful eye, several of the riders achieved their personal best for their dressage scores and finished tenth as a team.
Find more articles, watch instructional videos and purchase her books and DVDs at:
Thank her for kindly sharing them with us by visiting her websites above to learn more.