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White Oak Stables

Unpaid Intern

Job Description: Responsible game moderation, creates special shows and races, helps generate contests, games, and other member interest features or functionality. Encourages and helps new members learn how to play. May be tasked with creating simple game modifications (programmatic and design), help documents, rules or game content.

Hours: Varies

Location: Telecommute

Requirements: Must be 16 or older. Basic HTML knowledge is a plus. Must be familiar will all game rules and have had an upgraded account at some point in time.

Entry Level PHP/MySQL Programmer

Job Description: Assigned to modify, update and create features for design1online.com games. Duties include:

  1. Database Management - creating, modifying, optimizing MySQL Databases
  2. PHP - writing functions and OOP. Fetching and displaying mysql query calls
  3. MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data
  4. XHTML & CSS - W3C standards, validation, browser compatibility and form basics

Hours: Availble on a per-script basis

Location: Telecommute

Payment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hour

Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1-2 years PHP and MySQL experience

Entry Level Flash AS3 Programmer

Job Description: MMO programming for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:

  1. Maps, Items, Characters - creation, generation, actionscript 3 programming
  2. SmartFoxServer API - integration with PHP and XML
  3. MySQL - querying, inserting, updating and deleting data.
  4. QA & Testing - quality assurance, game play testing, AI testing, bug reporting

Hours: Varies

Location: Telecommute

Payment: Via Paypal or check at $10 an hour

Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights of use contract, 1+ year actionscript experience

Freelance Animator

Job Description: Animation modification and generation for whoa-horsie.com. Duties include:

  1. Horses, Humans, Natural Movement - walk, run, eat and other natural movements
  2. Colorization - segmented, dynamic colorization
  3. Storyboards - intros and other movie sequences

Hours: Varies

Location: Telecommute

Payment: Via Paypal or check at $8 per frame

Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years animation experience, 1+ years experience with animation software, examples of work

Freelance Graphic Artist

Job Description: Cartoon style with a realistic appearence to match current graphic styles. Drawings include horses, items, country themes and game layout images. Knowledge of:

  1. Photoshop - cropping, coloring, line art, transparent backgrounds
  2. File Optimization - reducing file size and compression for web
  3. Branding & Print Media- logos, t-shirt designs, hats and journal designs

Hours: Varies

Location: Telecommute

Payment: Via Paypal or check at $20 per image

Requirements: Must be 18 or older, signed rights to use contract, 1-2 years graphic software experience, examples of work

Interested in any of these positions?

For more information on any of these positions or to apply please contact design1online.com, LLC
Version 2

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