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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

Logged in as Satin Worshiper, #2233
$7,505,865 in the bank
17 new messages
0 foals expected
Satin Worshiper, #2233
$7,505,865 in the bank
member is: Offline
member rating: 0
last login: 12:49am Sep 20th, 2024


A thank you to the nice player who sent me a polite letter saying I sound like a reasonable person! =)

Another thank you to those who sent me money, though it wasn't necessary. =) I keep most of my money in the bank to keep certain players who demand you give them money because they think they're entitled to it even though they did nothing to earn it! I will put the money  you sent to good  use with a high prize stable show or two to share the wealth.

If I don't respond to your message I'm probably NOT ignoring you (unless you were really nasty or unable to grasp the difference between 'satin' and 'satan' and said bad things about me).  99% of the time, it's because your mailbox is full.  If you don't get a response from me in a couple of days, please make sure your mailbox is empty and mail me again.

I don't have the best horses in the game, and I'm not one of those "OMG don't enter my stable shows!!!!" snobs.  I personally spend more time on other sites where people don't throw huge hissy fits if you dare to beat them in a show.  I don't go on chat here (I hate this site's chat format not the players who go on it, and prefer the chat on another site to be honest, no I won't tell you what other games I play don't ask) I also have a little thing called a life.  I've got stories to write (a couple I've submitted to publishers), scarves to knit to sell, crochet to learn, and a billion books to read on top of two jobs, local events, a boyfriend, and real life offline friends I'd rather socialize with.

If you request a riding lesson please drop me a message to let me know.  I'm really bad at checking to see if anyone requested one on this account. =)

I do not 'lease' horses.  That isn't even part of the game!  I'm not going to risk not getting my horse back.

Sorry folks, but if it's not already for sale you can't buy it.  I can't sell everything after all.  I can't make money if I don't have horses to show with!

I'll mostly be doing draft breeds here, but also a few other rare breeds in need of help!

At this time I'm not allowing any outside breedings.  The ranks and quality of these horses aren't where I want them to be to allow others to breed to them yet.

I am NOT doing caretaking at this time.  I don't play enough for me to make a good caretaker.

Polite people who know words like 'please' and 'thank you' are MUCH more likely to get better deals on horses I'm selling than those who just rudely tell me "I'm not paying that price".  

About my name:  yes it IS spelled correctly, and it's meant to be a joke.  Satin is a fabric NOT the devil.  I was called a 'satin worshipper' on another game by a Christian who obviously can't spell because I wouldn't be her instant BFF so that made makes me a horrible, evil person to not want to be instant friends with a complete stranger.

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They don't have a horse!