22 of December, 2006. Yeah yeah, I know guys. The chat is old. xP I'll get a layout of the new one up soon. ^_^ Will someone rescued my horses already? They deserve to be shown.. And I'm frankly to lazy to do it. ^_^
Cotton is my account watcher, I got her when she was just a kitten, She means a lot to me and my horses. Cotton watches over my horses for me while i'm not online, yes, my account watcher is a rabbit. Most people have a dragon, or something scarey, but I figure people get lulled into the fact that mine is cute, so there may as well not be one here, but Cotton doesn't like naughty people. Never trust a rabbit, lol, appart from Cotton... she speaks the truth, yes, she speaks. =)
Well, Today I decided to 'adopt a newbie' and I intend to help her anyway possible. Her name ish Halo, I'll link to her account in a miinnn... >.< Also, I adopted Fuzzie (Fuzz Pony) Hehehe... Lol.