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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

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A Black Cat's Secrets

My Breeding Policy(Important)
August 31, 2016 12:07:16 PM

If your wish to breed to one of my horses you must follow these rules:

1. Your mare or stallion that you wish to breed must be healthy.

2. You must have healthy horses; why would I let my horse be bred if its foal won't be taken care of.

3. Your mare or stallion that you wish to breed must have 1000 points and 10 Rank or higher(anything below will not be accepted).

4. The breeding horse must be 15 years or older.

5. You cannot be at your max capacity of horses on your account.

6. If your mare has 5 foals and your stallion has has 7 foals than I will refuse( like some other players I will not participate in over breeding).

7. Your mare must not be for sale or up for auction when you wish to breed her.

8. The horse that you wish to breed to mine must be the same breed. I have a strict policy about purebreds and I do not want to mix up my horses' pedigrees.

9. If you wish to breed then first let my know by Messaging me and ask nicely. Be sure to tell me the name of your horse you wish to breed and the name of my horse. Also include your horse's game number. (Example: I wish to breed my stallion Blue Shine to your mare Divine Run.

10. The last thing is showings. I like to see how the breeding horse did in competitions. So no less than 10 competitions.

Thank you for reading my policy, happy gaming!

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