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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

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What It Stands For
September 11, 2004 12:56:16 AM

The following is what the letters infront of (mostly) all of my horse's names stand for. They are unbetween "|" each time. Also, (note), on the END of the name, there might be something like "|TrnDress|" this simply means, training in dressage at the moment, and it is to remind me to train the horse daily. Nothing to do with you, so bug off! Lol, just kidding! Anyways here are the BASIC abbreviations... use your brain to figure out that "dress" means DRESSAGE and not ENDURANCE or SHOW JUMPING!

EQ - Equitation

H - Halter

HS/HU - Huntseat or Hunter… the same thing

D - Dressage

SJ - Show Jumping

CC - Cross Country

EN - Endurance

P - Pleasure

E - Eventing

SS - Side Saddle

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