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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

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Everything Lol

Sept 12
September 12, 2004 09:40:03 PM

Whee loads... Ok, tried to swallow pill that didn't work, going to make piccy for Emmy... I'm making ALL of my horses piccies and it's taking forever!! Err... I'm feeling better. REALLY hyper earlier and pretty much now. Ummm GeeVee ish now GeeVee... lol. Ummm that's about all! Err... yeah. I have to go now!! Mmm heat up beans for dinner. Fwee yum! Oooh YEAH! my horsie turned high grade today!! Fwee excited!! High 26! I'm glad I didn't decide to sell him like I was going to yesterday. Fwee yeah. Yay! Bye cuz my mom is going to get made. Fwee. yay. lol.

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