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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

Logged in as Stable Champions [Gem.], #5915
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Everything Lol

September 18, 2004 11:10:14 PM

Ok, here it is!! This will save a lot of people money. Ok, here's what happens. You pay 20,000 upfront. That's to JOIN the club. Then, you get 5 pics for 1k. I will be keeping track here in my journal in a "club notebook" which will be updated frequently. After that, every picture you get is only 2.5k ($2,500), which is 1/2 of the usual price for NON-members!! I'll have your name, number, and how many 1k pictures you've had so far. The number of pics you get for $2,500 are unlimited, so don't worry about that. In the long run, it saves you a ton of money! Very worth it, especially if you have a lot of horses!! To join GM me with this information:

Your Name:
Your Member Number:
First Horse for Picture:

and that's all you need! You send me your first horse, and I charge you 21,000 (covers the cost of first 1k picture and membership cost) and then I'll add you up to my list!!

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