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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game
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Our. Journal. Pbbbbt.

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June 11, 2005 09:24:40 PM

yah? while you were [hopefully] being recruited by fancy schmancy trainers while buying $130 paddock boots for your saddleseat outfit, your horse was hopelessly trying to figure out where his rider was! lol.
compared to kelsey's entry, i am unbelievably untalented. i ride whatever i feel like riding, but prefer (and have better equitation- and a better horse -in) hunt and i lease an adorable morgan mare, hot jazz starlight- "jazz." ever since i've first started leasing her, she's developed into an amazing hunt horse- i'm so proud of her. i'm so happy i found her, and her owner, dell, who lets me (or us, inc. kels) lease for work, not $$$! well, i'm tired, crabby, my throat hurts, my eyes are all swollen and itchy, and i just found out my fav. friesian got west nile and was put down, and am going to bed.
ps, don't read this, read another entry, please...i really am nicer than i feel right now....

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