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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

Logged in as Golden Vision Sport Horses, #33
$90,718,277 in the bank
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Old Layout
February 6, 2009 06:07:50 PM

Hey. I'm Goat....

I'm crusty, crabby, and older than the WOS dirt your fancy little ponies walk on. I have an attitude problem, but I'm ok with that.

I'm Goat, GVSH, Midna, and Mar. I'm responsible for a lot of the going-ons of WOS. I run the newspaper, give monthly awards, am co-president of the Piaffe Club, and am Jade's worker bee. She said so!

Real Life Me

I'm 18 and a graduate from highschool. I graduated valedictorian a semester early, and am now taking a year off. I plan to attend college... eventually. I'll get theres someday. I'm thinking about attending FullSail in Florida, getting a degree both in video game programming and web programming. Not web DESIGN, web programming. Then I can work on WOS -- and wouldn't that be just dandy.

This Spring, I plan to go to Florida for two whole months: February and March. I have some awesome oppertunities to train with amazing people including Kathy Connelly and Lars Petersen.  I ride my '96 model KWPN Neoliet in dressage and am attempting to make the Young Riders team. Click here to see the sale video of Neo, being ridden by Steffan Peters.

During my year off, I'm staying incredibly busy working a full time job and riding. I work at a Pet Spa and Resort; we offer dog daycare, boarding, grooming, and training. It's a really fun job, but it gets boring sometimes. But I get to sit on WOS at work all day, so it can't be that bad.

Stuff I'm Into

Besides WOS and Dressage, I also have a pretty strong passion for video games and music.

I don't notmally like to tell people I'm going to get a degree in "video game programming" -- it just makes me sound like I'll live in my mom's basement for the rest of my life, sustaining on Code Red Mountain Dew and Ramen Noodles. The latter is true, the former is not.

I own a collection of video game consoles including an NES, SNES, X360, PS2, Wii, GBA and NDS. Link and Master Chief are my characters of choice, but I do enjoy many other games. I also love, and will school you at, Monopoly.

My best friend sometimes exbest friend, who I consider probably the most awesome person in the world, is a sound engineer.  I take music pretty seriously, and if you try and tell me a band is "bad" when you really mean that you don't like them, I'll probably correct you and it may not be in the most polite fashion.

I'm into pop punk, and going to concerts. I know more about music production than a lot of people and am probably not the best person to get into a music conversation with, unless you're pretty sure your music tastes align with mine.

On that note, Sum 41, New Found Glory, Good Charlotte (exclusing GMR), Simple Plan (excluding self titled album), Motion City Soundtrack, and Anberlin about sum it up. I've traveled across the country (from WI to California) to go to shows, and regularly drive to Detroit (12 hours from here) to see bands I like.

I'm 2nd list software engineer, and cheif graphic designer for a small local studio and record label. It's pretty fun.

In a Nutshell

If you've made it this far, I'm proud. Really! If you didn't read it all and just scrolled here, I'm a little dissapointed. If you think I'm rad, send me a gm! I love to talk to people about... stuff. I'm crabby sometimes though. If you want WOS help, you can GM me for that too. I know this game like the back of my hand. But I don't know the exact location of every line on my hand, so take that as you will for my WOS education.


These people rock so solidcore they get a mention in the box of love.

Crickett #43332    Dilly_Dally #12061    LudicrisFlower #9464     Morby #9977    Nostalgia #33913
Spoon Preston Sphi

More coming eventually at some point I guess. I proabably forgot you.

$0 < C 01-10  < $100,000
$100,000 < B 11 - 25 < $299,999
$300,000 < A 26 - 45 < $499,999
$500,000 < GP 46 - 65 < $999,999
$1,000,000 < O 66 - ∞ <$1,500,000

If you're interested in purchasing a horse I have on this account feel free to inquire, however it can be safely assumed I will probably turn down your request. I generally move sales horses to one of my other accounts.

If I do offer a horse for sale, generally it is by private treaty only. As stated in my breeding section, I typically pair my horses at a young age. If a horse already has a selected pair, I will only sell them in a pair.

I also offer my services as an agent for sales. If you're searching for a horse in the breed I specialize in, I can potentially help you find one for sale, auction, or for a breeding. Feel free to GM me if you're interested. I do this service free of charge as an intention to help you find quality horses to improve your herd.

Layouts and Pictures: don't generally do layouts and pictures because I lead a very busy life. I will occasionally do personalized pictures/layouts. I can do "Pattern/Color" style layouts as seen on accounts #8571 and #11346 just about anytime. Contact me for prices.

Coding: If someone else has made you a layout, scroll or otherwise, I can code it.  I charge according to the difficulty of the job, contact me for more info. Coding I can do more often than pictures as it takes less time and I can do it at work.

Sales Agent: I will help you find a horse that suits your needs for sale or breeding. I have connections with experienced players who specialize in many breeds.

Account Sitting: It depends on how many horses, how long, and what you need me to do on your account, but I'll see what I can do to help -- that's what I'm here for!

You can find an odds chart by clicking here.

To use an odds chart, start by entering your horse into a show, any show, any show. I recommend pleasure or endurance.

Once you've eventered, click the "view odds" link on the page that appears after you enter your horse in a show. Take a note (write it down, or have a mental note) of what odds your horse got in that show. Now open the odds chart, be it the one on this link or any other odds chart. All odds charts work the same way.

Once you had an odds chart opened, find the event that you entered your horse in on the list of events on the left side. Now follow that row across to the right, and find the odds that your horse recieved in that event. Follow that column up, and it will tell you what your horse's best event is.

It is important to note, depending on which event you enter and what your horse's best event is, they might have the same odds for more than one event. For example, if you entered your horse in pleasure, they have none odds, the odds chart will tell you that their best event might be Equitation, Endurance, or Side Saddle. If you enter in Show Jumping and get fair odds, your horse could be either Pleasure or Eventing. Make sure you look for the odds twice, and recheck. It usually takes entering 2 shows to tell the best event. Still confused? Feel free to send me a gm, or stop in chat and we can help you out!

If you're considering requesting a breeding to one of my mares or stallions, here are some things to keep in mind.

Firstly, my breedings are very limited. I generally pair my horses when they're relatively young to either my own stock, or stock from the CRICKETT empire. If my horse has it's paired breedings set up, I might not be accepting outside breedings, regaurdless of if your horse fits my criterion. Please dont' take it personally if I don't accept your breeding request.

I limit my horses to anywhere between 1 and 4 foals a piece. I will not breed a pair more than 4 times. Typically the most I will breed a mare is 3 times.

I wait until the older horse in the pair is 25 years old to breed them, and breed using a breeder. If I do an outside breeding for you, I will need the horse on my account to use my breeder feature. I usually gain between 1 and 3 ranks by using the breeder.

If our horses are closely related and have a shared parent or grandparent, I will not allow a breeding, period.

I do not breed horses under 18 years old - ever, and very rarely breed under about 22.

My stud and brood fees vary drastically depending on the horse, how many foals I plan to have for it, and the predicted rank of the foal.

In general, breedings are private treaty only. Contact me for more information if are considering requesting a breeding.


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