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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game
Logged in as Emerald Hills, #34847
$1,141,682 in the bank
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Breeding Rules
June 12, 2010 10:08:37 PM

Before asking to breed to are horses you must agree to the following breeding rules;

1. None of the horses have over 2 foals. If you see an opening on the chart feel free to GM.

2.We never inbreed our horses so please check lines before asking to breed to horses as we wish to keep lines clean for future generations. (Some exceptions)

3.We never breed horses under the age of 18 although you can book breedings from a young age.

4. GM us before sending a breeding request so that breeding price can be lowered.

5. Your horse must be a similar rank to the one you wish to breed to.

6. You must look after your horses and show them regularly so that we know our hard work hasn't gone to waste.

Breeding Fees:

Mares - 1k x rank with 3 days of showing fees (based on what the horse usually earns) added on.

Stallions - 1k x rank.

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